
Flow of Electricity - Rough


Heat Transfer

  • Heat is potential energy in the electrons
  • In a hot kettle, the metal surface is trying to excite air molecules and release the heat
  • But when you pour water on it, since the molecules are closer, they conduct heat quickly and relieve the hot body, by vaporizing itself.

Matter Waves

  • Moving charges disturb the electromagnetic field
    • Consider the particulate nature of propagating waves too (they do not drop in amplitude beyond a certain point, and instead, it moves as point particles)
      • I could assume that the electrons always simply shoots point photons spherically outward
        • It's almost as though photons are to the electromagnetic field as what water molecules are to water - to the fullest degree
          • That is, waves of water or air move due to individual molecules oscillating
          • Molecules disturb other molecules, because they were excited by a force from the general direction
          • So it is as if the force carrier's photons entered the system of the medium, and the medium started propagating it
          • [Q:] But how does the force carrier enter the medium?
          • I would model it as that the electron cloud goes in and out in each cycle, due to the push and pull it receives from the nucleus, and during this time, new photons may get absorbed, and the next
          • [Q:] But how does it explain how moving charges radiate electromagnetic waves
          • Good question. But as we know, it is not just any moving charges, but accelerating charges that radiate electromagnetic waves. Plain moving charges only move from a relative frame of reference, and are not under the influence of any force.
          • So the motion of the charge itself is due to the imparted momentum of the absorbed photons.
            • Which leads me to question, when I push a ball, is the "object", "the ball", "moving", or is it the space that was away from the ball that now takes the state of a ball?
            • Are these two simply two different ways of thinking about the same thing?
            • i.e., the side the pushed first moves back, pushing the part that's behind it, and so on. That's the classical understanding as well. Matter waves. However, I'm viewing matter not as particles floating in an abstract space, but as points in the space itself.
              • An analogy is that of how characters in video games move. We redraw the space in every frame.
            • Same applies to the motion of one's limbs - the mind directs the available energy to execute the intended motion.
          • [Q.] Another question I had here was, how the motion is initiated by absorption of photon particles.
            • I would say that it is in the same principles as that of the idea of electromagnetic waves pushing charged particles by their fields.
            • The idea of particles do not violate the idea of modelling them as fields, just as water containing molecules do not violate the fluid nature of water.
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